For end users :

  • students
  • singles, couples or young families
  • asylum seekers and refugees
  • leisure businesses such camping, cottages, B2B and hotels

NovéFlex® living machines are purchased or leased by:

  • Investors and real estate investors
  • National, provincial or municipal governments
  • National centre for housing refugees
  • (Student) housing providers
  • Store owners who want to transform vacant spaces
  • Individuals who (temporarily) have to accomodate a family member

NovéFlex® living machines solve numerous major social problems at once. Vacancy in officebuildings, in (and above) shops, schools, and so on; with NovéFlex® living machines these spaces turn out to have an added value. 


Similarily it can help addressing the major challenges in finding space for asylum seekers and refugees. In this way NovéFlex® living machines make a valuable contribution to preventing major social unrest. NovéFlex® living machines are a very practical, quick and lasting solution, for example, to provide status holders prompt and adequate housing, while the housing market is less burdened simultaneously.

You only need to roll the NoveFlex® living machine inside (fits through any door opening), easily connect it and within one hour you have a living space for any office or school!

ROTTERDAM- Studenten in collegezaal van de Erasmus Universiteit. ANP XTRA KOEN SUYK




  • COA (Netherlands) has asked 393 municipalities to determine which buildings in their town would be suitable to transform into living space for status holders.
  • A significant number of mayors announced that they have several utility buildings (offices, schools, former town halls, etc.) that could be suitable, but it takes (too) much money to reneovate them for (temporary) residency.
  • There is currently a great deal of social unrest developed when asylum seekers are carelessly settled in very large concentrations and vast numbers.
  • It also creates social unrest among people who for many years are on the waiting list for rental housing. They see how “newcomers” receive priority treatment in the allocation of housing.
  • It appears that when status holders are placed within the city in smaller groups (dispersion), it creates much less social unrest than with large groups in one district.

NovéFlex® living machines offer a good solution for these issues, providing flexible and cost effective solutions where commercial buildings are transformed into living spaces.
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